病人的关系 is here to help ensure that your experience with 加州大学旧金山分校健康 is a good one. If you or a family member has a question or concern about your care, please let us know. We suggest first discussing your concerns with your nurse, department manager and doctor. 如果问题没有解决, the 病人的关系 staff or a nursing supervisor is available to help you reach a resolution or provide more information.
要提交投诉、称赞或其他反馈,请填写我们的 在线反馈表格,或电邮或传真 探访病人报告表 致病人关系.
The 探访病人报告表 is available in these languages in addition to English:
我们的工作时间是早上9点.m. to 4:30 p.m.星期一至星期五. 周末和节假日, 请与 nursing supervisor by calling the hospital operator at (415) 476-1000.
If you feel your concerns about patient care and safety have not been adequately addressed by 加州大学旧金山分校健康, 请与 联合委员会 质量监测办公室.
You may also contact the California Department of Public Health at (800) 554-0353 or your health insurance company.
加州大学旧金山分校健康中心致力于保护您的医疗信息. For information about your rights and the obligations we have regarding the use and disclosure of your medical information, 请参阅以下内容:
有关患者权利的信息,请访问 十大赌博平台排行榜的政策 或者看看我们的 患者权利和责任手册.
加州大学旧金山分校十大赌博靠谱网络平台服务性动物. 在下面找到更多.
有关患者安全的信息,请访问 患者安全 或者看看我们的 病人安全小册子.
To report a patient safety issue, call the 患者安全 Hotline at (415) 353-8787 at any time. 信息可以匿名提交.
加州大学旧金山分校健康 is dedicated to the principle of treating each community member with respect and dignity. To learn more about our commitment to nondiscrimination and how patients can report sexual misconduct experienced in a clinical setting, 请访问 如何举报性骚扰及不歧视通知.
UCSF is committed to providing equitable access and reasonable accommodations for all of our patients, 访客及同伴. Reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids and services are available no cost. 请求其中任何一个, ask a member of your care team or reach out 致病人关系 (contact information above).
了解更多关于 UCSF无障碍资源.
- 服务性动物的定义是什么?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and 加州大学旧金山分校健康 define a service animal as a dog or miniature horse that are individually trained to do work or perform specific tasks for people with disabilities. Psychiatric service animals (PSA’s) are included in this definition because they have also been trained to perform tasks to mitigate the psychiatric disabilities of their human partners.
- 服务性动物可以进入十大赌博平台排行榜和诊所吗?
Yes, service animals (dogs) are welcome to accompany their handlers to clinical areas open to the public at UCSF.
- 服务性动物在十大赌博平台排行榜或诊所的所有地方都受十大赌博靠谱网络平台吗?
No, the general rule is that service animals are allowed in patient rooms and anywhere else in the hospital the public and patients are allowed. 不包括的特定区域, 出于安全考虑, 手术室是, 术前和术后区域, 我们保留拒绝进入重症监护病房的权利, 以及其他需要保护环境的地区. 在这些领域, the final decision will be made by providers and nurses in these areas to verify that it is safe for the dog to visit.
- 你为什么问我关于我的动物的问题?
为了区分服务犬和非服务犬, we are allowed under the ADA to ask you two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? (2)狗被训练去做什么工作或任务? Specific responses are required and help us in our documentation of the animal as your service dog.
- 治疗或情感支持/安慰动物呢?
The ADA does not include therapy or emotional support/comfort animals in its definition of service animals. 我们要求病人把除服务性动物以外的所有动物都留在家里. Please note that this rule extends only within 加州大学旧金山分校健康 patient areas and does not extend to other areas (academic, research, 住房)的UCSF. 关于这些方面,请咨询 http://policies.ucsf.edu/policy/550-19 了解更多信息. 如果住宿需要与大学的其他领域相关, please contact Disability Management Service at (415) 476-2621 for assistance with the interactive process.
- 如果我病得不能照顾我的狗,工作人员会帮忙吗?
Staff are prohibited from caring for patient service dogs and the Americans with Disabilities Act states that a service dog must be cared for by their handler or a person assigned by the handler to do so. If you cannot care for your animal and are unable to identify a person to assist with the care of the animal, SF动物护理 & Control will be called to remove the animal to a safe environment for the term of the your admission.
- I’ve seen people with dogs who wear identification that identifies them as a Facility Dog or Emotional Support Dog, 为什么他们被允许?
加州大学旧金山分校健康, 包括UCSF贝尼奥夫儿童十大赌博平台排行榜, have specific programs which include trained therapy dogs who visit with their handlers or UCSF staff to provide comfort to patients. These programs are administered separately by Child Life Services and Volunteer Services.
- What other qualifications does a service dog have to have to accompany me to UCSF?
你的狗一定要一直这样 表现好 and 在你的控制之下, must not show any aggression toward staff or providers, and must be clean and housebroken.
- 我要住院了,我的服务犬可以来看我吗?
Yes, we recognize the bond between you and your service dog is important and once your providers make sure that you and other patients in your unit will not be harmed by a visit, 那次访问可以安排. 你的狗甚至可以和你呆在一起, 但必须有一个能喂养它们的看护人, toilet, and walk the dog because you will not be able to leave the hospital while admitted.
- 我的服务犬一定要用皮带拴住吗?
服务性动物必须套上挽具, leashed, or tethered while in public places unless these devices interfere with the service animal's work or your disability prevents use of these devices. In that case, you must use voice, signal, or other effective means to maintain control of the animal.